Bandle City



Bandle City Bandle City
Elusive: Can only be blocked by an Elusive unit.
Norra’s worked quickly, thoughts of home in mind. Portalwork was notoriously tricky business, and she hadn’t even had her first cup of tea yet. But Norra loved a good puzzle, especially the type that found her hopelessly lost in pocket dimensions between space and time. She worked faster, thinking fondly of her cat, who would be worried and expecting dinner.

Κάρτες στην Τράπουλα

Περιοχές Champions Δημοφιλία Ποσοστό Νικών
Demacia Freljord Runeterra Noxus Ionia Bandle City Shadow Isles ΒεξΛι Σιν
Freljord Runeterra Noxus Bandle City Shadow Isles ΒεξΛι Σιν
Demacia Freljord Runeterra Noxus Ionia Bandle City Shadow Isles ΒεξΛι Σιν
Freljord Runeterra Noxus Bandle City Shadow Isles ΒεξΛι Σιν
Demacia Freljord Runeterra Noxus Bandle City Shadow Isles ΒεξΛι Σιν
Shurima Freljord Runeterra Noxus Ionia Bandle City Shadow Isles Λι Σιν
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