Shadow Isles

Erastin, the Disgraced

Erastin, the Disgraced

Shadow Isles Shadow Isles - Unit Unit
Fearsome: Can only be blocked by enemies with 3 or more Power.
Deathless: The next time this unit dies, remove Deathless and revive it Stunned with 1 Health.
Camavor's dragons were once magnificent and respected--but even they were not safe from the all-consuming corruption of the Ruination. Erastin is no exception, his long-lost regality now twisted into the garish appearance of the deathless.

Κάρτες στην Τράπουλα

Περιοχές Champions Δημοφιλία Ποσοστό Νικών
Demacia Freljord Runeterra Noxus Ionia Bandle City Shadow Isles ΒεξΛι Σιν
Demacia Freljord Runeterra Noxus Ionia Bandle City Shadow Isles ΒεξΛι Σιν
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