
Blue Sentinel

Blue Sentinel

Targon Targon - Unit Unit
Last Breath: These abilities take effect when the unit dies.
"Okay EV-ER-EE-ONE say "HI BLU!" HI BLU! Okay one time I thought he was like "HI BLU!" back, but now dat I think about it might have been my voice bouncin' off da walls. OH WELL he's all magical and stuff and also blue so if you ask me he doesn't even NEED to speak! OKAY BYE BLUE LET'S GO!" - Adventures with Chip, part 5

Κάρτες στην Τράπουλα

Περιοχές Champions Δημοφιλία Ποσοστό Νικών
Targon Demacia Runeterra Noxus Ionia Bandle City ΜοργκάναΩρέλιον ΣολΛι Σιν
Targon Runeterra Shadow Isles Ωρέλιον ΣολΛι Σιν
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