Bandle City

Portia the Peculiar

Portia the Peculiar

Bandle City Bandle City - Unit Unit
"Of course I know old Portia! A bit out-to-lunch, but she can get you a portal to anywhere, in a pinch. A swirl of the tail, and you're off!" - Portal Pioneer

Card in Decks

Regions Champions Popularity Winrate
Targon Demacia Runeterra Noxus Ionia Bandle City MorganaAurelion SolLee Sin
Freljord Runeterra Noxus Bandle City Shadow Isles VexLee Sin
Freljord Runeterra Noxus Bandle City Shadow Isles VexLee Sin
In % of decks
Avg Copies
Winrate when in deck
Winrate when drawn